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Catalog Item YAML Specification

potctl allows users to manage a Controller's list of catalog items. To learn more about catalog items, please see microservice catalog documentation.

The catalog item has a very simple definition

kind: CatalogItem
name: my-multiplatform-microservice
id: 0
description: Alpine Linux
x86: amd64/alpine:latest
arm: arm32v6/alpine:latest
registry: remote
configExample: '{"key": "value"}'
| Field         | Description                                                                    |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| id | Assigned by Controller, read only |
| description | Human readable description of the Catalog Item |
| x86 | x86 Docker image |
| arm | arm32 Docker image |
| registry | Registry to use to fetch Docker images, options: {local, remote, registryID} |
| configExample | Json object with key-value pairs indicating example microservice configuration |

Note that the configExample field is a yaml map specifying the key value pairs, but it is internally stored a stringified JSON object of these values, similarly to how configuration is sent to microservices.

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