Remote debugging using IntelliJ
Here we'll see how to remotely debug our Agent. This assumes we have an IntelliJ IDEA IDE up and running, and have already imported the Datasance/Agent github repository project we are going to debug.
- Open the IntelliJ IDEA IDE and click on Run Configurations (top right)
Click on the plus (top left) and select Remote to add a new configuration for a remote app.
Enter a name for the configuration, for example my-remote-agent.
Change the port number to 54322.
Change the host with the Agent ip.
Click on apply and ok. You will be taken back to the project source code.
Click on the bug icon and select the new configuration to run it.
The project starts running and generating all the log messages of a regular launch in the terminal window. IntelliJ IDEA will intercept the execution at the breakpoint. From here the management is the same as for a regular Java application using your preferred IDE.
Default log file storage location: /var/log/iofog-agent